Regional Hubs for Climate Change and Health Research
Opens 2024 Feb 26 05:00 PM (EST)
Deadline 2024 Jun 14 05:00 PM (EDT)

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest on research to address knowledge and capacity gaps at the intersection of climate change and health in the Global South. Through this call, up to five institutions will be funded to establish regional hubs in the Global South. These hubs will initiate and manage research sub-grants in West and Central Africa, East and Southern Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa.

Call Details

This call involves a two-stage process, with submission of expressions of interest in the first stage, followed by full proposal submissions by shortlisted candidates. Only expressions of interest that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered for this call. The application form for this call for expressions of interest includes 6 fields that applicants will need to complete. As part of the application process, applicants will also be required to submit individual/institutional documents as listed in the eligibility criteria. Organizations can apply to this call independently, or as a consortium with up to two Co-Applicant Organizations (see Annex 2 of the Call document).

Expressions of interest will first be evaluated by IDRC program staff to determine if your application has met all the evaluation criteria, and the required supporting documentation is provided. Only applicants whose expressions of interest are successful will be invited to submit a full technical proposal. At the full proposal stage, full proposal applications will be reviewed and short-listed by an independent scientific review committee comprised of external reviewers from different related disciplines.

As a result of this call, a series of grants in the range of CAD $1.5 million to CAD $4 million will be issued. The project duration will not exceed 48 months, including all research activities and final reporting.

Application Process

Applications must be received by no later than April 5, 2024 at 17:00 EDT. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Before opening the online application portal, applicants are encouraged to assemble all the supporting documentation necessary to complete the application which is outlined in the Call document in Section 5.

To prepare your expression of interest, you will need to: 

review the eligibility criteria in this Call;collect the supporting documents for the eligibility criteria; complete a five- to six-page narrative (see Section 8 of the Call document for more details). 

Once you have all completed both steps, you can visit the Application Portal where you will: 

complete basic background information about your organization and lead applicant;tick the checkboxes confirming that you meet each eligibility criteria;upload your supporting documentation;upload your five- to six-page narrativeaccept the terms and conditions and submit your application.

To complete an online application, select ‘Apply’. In case of the proposals involving multiple organizations, the lead organization should submit a single application on behalf of those involved.For more details please consult the Call page.

Regional Hubs for Climate Change and Health Research

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest on research to address knowledge and capacity gaps at the intersection of climate change and health in the Global South. Through this call, up to five institutions will be funded to establish regional hubs in the Global South. These hubs will initiate and manage research sub-grants in West and Central Africa, East and Southern Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa.

Call Details

This call involves a two-stage process, with submission of expressions of interest in the first stage, followed by full proposal submissions by shortlisted candidates. Only expressions of interest that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered for this call. The application form for this call for expressions of interest includes 6 fields that applicants will need to complete. As part of the application process, applicants will also be required to submit individual/institutional documents as listed in the eligibility criteria. Organizations can apply to this call independently, or as a consortium with up to two Co-Applicant Organizations (see Annex 2 of the Call document).

Expressions of interest will first be evaluated by IDRC program staff to determine if your application has met all the evaluation criteria, and the required supporting documentation is provided. Only applicants whose expressions of interest are successful will be invited to submit a full technical proposal. At the full proposal stage, full proposal applications will be reviewed and short-listed by an independent scientific review committee comprised of external reviewers from different related disciplines.

As a result of this call, a series of grants in the range of CAD $1.5 million to CAD $4 million will be issued. The project duration will not exceed 48 months, including all research activities and final reporting.

Application Process

Applications must be received by no later than April 5, 2024 at 17:00 EDT. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Before opening the online application portal, applicants are encouraged to assemble all the supporting documentation necessary to complete the application which is outlined in the Call document in Section 5.

To prepare your expression of interest, you will need to: 

review the eligibility criteria in this Call;collect the supporting documents for the eligibility criteria; complete a five- to six-page narrative (see Section 8 of the Call document for more details). 

Once you have all completed both steps, you can visit the Application Portal where you will: 

complete basic background information about your organization and lead applicant;tick the checkboxes confirming that you meet each eligibility criteria;upload your supporting documentation;upload your five- to six-page narrativeaccept the terms and conditions and submit your application.

To complete an online application, select ‘Apply’. In case of the proposals involving multiple organizations, the lead organization should submit a single application on behalf of those involved.For more details please consult the Call page.

Log in to apply
2024 Feb 26 05:00 PM (EST)
2024 Jun 14 05:00 PM (EDT)